
D-Risk resources provide the detailed information to help you to set-up, use and interpret D-Risk through a series of tutorial videos and a training manual. Click on each material to access the training.


Walk-through of D-Risk webtool


Understanding the D-Risk outputs


Representing responses in D-Risk


User guidance and training manual

The D-Risk training manual takes users through a structured set of worked examples of hypothetical farms and scenarios.



Almost all components of D-Risk have been published in peer-reviewed scientific journals:

Weather data

  • Guillod, B. P.; Jones, R. G.; Bowery, A.; Haustein, K.; Massey, N. R.; Mitchell, D. M.; et al. Weather@home 2: Validation of an improved globalregional climate modelling system. Geosci. Model Dev. 2017, 10(5), 1849–1872. [Open access]
  • Guillod, B. P.; Jones, R. G.; Dadson, S. J.; Coxon, G.; Bussi, G.; Freer, J.; et al. A large set of potential past, present and future hydrometeorological time series for the UK. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 2018, 22, 1–39. [Open access]

Hydrological model

  • Coxon, G.; Freer, J.; Lane, R.; Dunne, T.; Knoben, W. J. M.; Howden, N. J. K.; Woods, R. DECIPHeR v1: Dynamic fluxEs and ConnectIvity for Predictions of HydRology. Geosci. Model Dev. 2019, 12(6), 2285–2306. [Open access]

Irrigation need algorithms

D-Risk water balance algorithms

  • Haro-Monteagudo, D, Knox JW, Holman IP. (2019). D-Risk: A decision-support webtool for improving drought risk management in irrigated agriculture. Computers And Electronics In Agriculture 162: 855-858

Abstraction restriction algorithms

  • Salmoral G, Rey D, Rudd A, de Margon P, Holman IP (2019). A probabilistic risk assessment of the national economic impacts of regulatory drought management on irrigated agriculture.  Earth’s Future 7(2): 178-196 [Open access]
  • Rio M, Rey D, Prudhomme C, Holman IP (2018).  Evaluation of changing surface water abstraction reliability for supplemental irrigation under climate change.  Agric Water Manage. 206: 200-208.

D-Risk application

  • Chengot R, Knox JW, Holman IP (2021).  Evaluating the Feasibility of Water Sharing as a Drought Risk Management Tool for Irrigated Agriculture.   Sustainability, 13, 1456.  [Open access]