Please note that any information generated by D-Risk is provided for information only. It and should not be used as a basis for investment in irrigation development without consulting independent, professional, expert advice.
Cranfield University can give no express or implied warranty as to the quality, fitness for purpose, accuracy or sufficiency of the D-Risk and D-Risk reservoir webtool, particularly as this is a general tool to be used for guidance to assist in the understanding of drought risk only. On that basis no liability whatsoever or howsoever caused shall be accepted by Cranfield University for any direct or indirect or consequential loss or damage incurred whether in Contract or Tort by any employee, student or third party in respect of their, or in connection with the, use of the D-Risk and D-Risk reservoir webtool.
Please note : D-Risk Reservoir is a beta version and thorough testing on this module has yet to be completed. Should you identify any issues with this application please report them to
D-Risk reservoir is designed for exploratory use regarding sizing and costing of on-farm irrigation reservoirs and cannot substitute for professional advice. The indicative costs provided by D-Risk reservoir are estimates based on ‘best fit’ regression relationships between costing and volumes for a diverse range of constructed on-farm reservoirs. The actual costs may vary significantly depending on the unique site and geological conditions of each farm.